Instructor-Led Training
Title: Human Ethics and Animal Rights
Type: Online course but tutor supported
Responsibility: Joy Rosario
Client: Humane Education Trust
Year: December 2016
Target audience: Veterinary students
Tools used: Microsoft Word, Moodle
Overview: This three week course was commissioned on contract by The Humane Education Trust and the purpose was to sensitise veterinary students with regards to issues relevant to animal rights. T
Solution: he course itself consists of nine themes or modules and these range from basic legislation to the impact of international awareness around the humane treatment of animals and finally the relationship between violence in the home and the psychology of abuse.
Title: Digitising the School Library
Type: Instructor-Led Training
Responsibility: Joy Rosario
Client: SchoolNet
Year: December 2017
Target audience: Department of Education officials
Tools used: Microsoft Word, Google docs
Overview: This six week instructor led course was commissioned on contract by SchoolNet South Africa. the purpose was to train teacher-librarian departmental officials in South Africa on the how to go about digitising a school library or media centre.
Solution: The course itself consists of a Facilitators Guide and a Participants Manual and consist of five modules. These range from using software to conduct library administration, the effective use of online resources, communication and marketing and using social media, e-safety, plagiarism, copyright and ethical use of information and finally the creation of a whole school ICT draft policy and a personalised action plan based on the other modules. Both an instructor and participant manual was developed as well as the the necessary PowerPoint presentations to support the face-to-face learning process.
Personal experience:
The subject matter is within my field of expertise as a qualified teacher librarian, furthermore having worked for the government unit from which the participants emanated I was well familiar with the challenges they experience. So in reality I was the SME in this instance basically training the facilitator who assisted me in the conceptualisation and development of the course. As a result it brought into play the ideal collaboration as every element was carefully unpacked in order that she would be equipped to ensure a successful outcome on the part of the participants.